Example use case of datasist in the workflow of a data scientist using a dataset from the Zindi competitive data science platform

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Import the Datasist Library
import datasist as ds

#Read in data set
train_data = pd.read_csv('training.csv')
test_data = pd.read_csv('test.csv')

Quick summary of a data set using the describe function in the structdata module

In [2]:
First five data points
TransactionId BatchId AccountId SubscriptionId CustomerId CurrencyCode CountryCode ProviderId ProductId ProductCategory ChannelId Amount Value TransactionStartTime PricingStrategy FraudResult
0 TransactionId_76871 BatchId_36123 AccountId_3957 SubscriptionId_887 CustomerId_4406 UGX 256 ProviderId_6 ProductId_10 airtime ChannelId_3 1000.0 1000 2018-11-15T02:18:49Z 2 0
1 TransactionId_73770 BatchId_15642 AccountId_4841 SubscriptionId_3829 CustomerId_4406 UGX 256 ProviderId_4 ProductId_6 financial_services ChannelId_2 -20.0 20 2018-11-15T02:19:08Z 2 0
2 TransactionId_26203 BatchId_53941 AccountId_4229 SubscriptionId_222 CustomerId_4683 UGX 256 ProviderId_6 ProductId_1 airtime ChannelId_3 500.0 500 2018-11-15T02:44:21Z 2 0
3 TransactionId_380 BatchId_102363 AccountId_648 SubscriptionId_2185 CustomerId_988 UGX 256 ProviderId_1 ProductId_21 utility_bill ChannelId_3 20000.0 21800 2018-11-15T03:32:55Z 2 0
4 TransactionId_28195 BatchId_38780 AccountId_4841 SubscriptionId_3829 CustomerId_988 UGX 256 ProviderId_4 ProductId_6 financial_services ChannelId_2 -644.0 644 2018-11-15T03:34:21Z 2 0

Last five data points
TransactionId BatchId AccountId SubscriptionId CustomerId CurrencyCode CountryCode ProviderId ProductId ProductCategory ChannelId Amount Value TransactionStartTime PricingStrategy FraudResult
95657 TransactionId_89881 BatchId_96668 AccountId_4841 SubscriptionId_3829 CustomerId_3078 UGX 256 ProviderId_4 ProductId_6 financial_services ChannelId_2 -1000.0 1000 2019-02-13T09:54:09Z 2 0
95658 TransactionId_91597 BatchId_3503 AccountId_3439 SubscriptionId_2643 CustomerId_3874 UGX 256 ProviderId_6 ProductId_10 airtime ChannelId_3 1000.0 1000 2019-02-13T09:54:25Z 2 0
95659 TransactionId_82501 BatchId_118602 AccountId_4841 SubscriptionId_3829 CustomerId_3874 UGX 256 ProviderId_4 ProductId_6 financial_services ChannelId_2 -20.0 20 2019-02-13T09:54:35Z 2 0
95660 TransactionId_136354 BatchId_70924 AccountId_1346 SubscriptionId_652 CustomerId_1709 UGX 256 ProviderId_6 ProductId_19 tv ChannelId_3 3000.0 3000 2019-02-13T10:01:10Z 2 0
95661 TransactionId_35670 BatchId_29317 AccountId_4841 SubscriptionId_3829 CustomerId_1709 UGX 256 ProviderId_4 ProductId_6 financial_services ChannelId_2 -60.0 60 2019-02-13T10:01:28Z 2 0

Shape of  data set: (95662, 16)

Size of  data set: 1530592

Data Types
Note: All Non-numerical features are identified as objects in pandas
Data Type
TransactionId object
BatchId object
AccountId object
SubscriptionId object
CustomerId object
CurrencyCode object
CountryCode int64
ProviderId object
ProductId object
ProductCategory object
ChannelId object
Amount float64
Value int64
TransactionStartTime object
PricingStrategy int64
FraudResult int64

Column(s) {'TransactionStartTime'} should be in Datetime format. Use the [to_date] function in datasist.feature_engineering to coonvert to Pandas Datetime format

Numerical Features in Data set
['CountryCode', 'Amount', 'Value', 'PricingStrategy', 'FraudResult']

Statistical Description of Columns
CountryCode Amount Value PricingStrategy FraudResult
count 95662.0 9.566200e+04 9.566200e+04 95662.000000 95662.000000
mean 256.0 6.717846e+03 9.900584e+03 2.255974 0.002018
std 0.0 1.233068e+05 1.231221e+05 0.732924 0.044872
min 256.0 -1.000000e+06 2.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000
25% 256.0 -5.000000e+01 2.750000e+02 2.000000 0.000000
50% 256.0 1.000000e+03 1.000000e+03 2.000000 0.000000
75% 256.0 2.800000e+03 5.000000e+03 2.000000 0.000000
max 256.0 9.880000e+06 9.880000e+06 4.000000 1.000000

Categorical Features in Data set

Unique class Count of Categorical features
Feature Unique Count
0 TransactionId 95662
1 BatchId 94809
2 AccountId 3633
3 SubscriptionId 3627
4 CustomerId 3742
5 CurrencyCode 1
6 ProviderId 6
7 ProductId 23
8 ProductCategory 9
9 ChannelId 4
10 TransactionStartTime 94556

Missing Values in Data
features missing_counts missing_percent
0 TransactionId 0 0.0
1 BatchId 0 0.0
2 AccountId 0 0.0
3 SubscriptionId 0 0.0
4 CustomerId 0 0.0
5 CurrencyCode 0 0.0
6 CountryCode 0 0.0
7 ProviderId 0 0.0
8 ProductId 0 0.0
9 ProductCategory 0 0.0
10 ChannelId 0 0.0
11 Amount 0 0.0
12 Value 0 0.0
13 TransactionStartTime 0 0.0
14 PricingStrategy 0 0.0
15 FraudResult 0 0.0

Remove features that contains only one unique field as these features are redundant

In [3]:
#Drop redundant features
Dropped ['CurrencyCode', 'CountryCode']
Dropped ['CurrencyCode', 'CountryCode']

Check for missing values in dataset with the display function


In [38]:
cat_feats = ds.structdata.get_cat_feats(train_data)
In [39]:
In [40]:
Feature Unique Count
0 TransactionId 95662
1 BatchId 94809
2 AccountId 3633
3 SubscriptionId 3627
4 CustomerId 3742
5 ProviderId 6
6 ProductId 23
7 ProductCategory 9
8 ChannelId 4
9 TransactionStartTime 94556

From the unique display output, we notice that the TransactionId and BatchId contains too many classes and thus we can drop them

In [41]:
train_data.drop(['TransactionId', 'BatchId'], axis=1, inplace=True)
test_data.drop(['TransactionId', 'BatchId'], axis=1, inplace=True)


In [42]:
Unique Values in AccountId is too large to plot

Unique Values in SubscriptionId is too large to plot

Unique Values in CustomerId is too large to plot

Unique Values in TransactionStartTime is too large to plot

In [43]:
Unique classes in AccountId too large
Unique classes in SubscriptionId too large
Unique classes in CustomerId too large
Class Count for ProviderId
ProviderId_4 38189
ProviderId_6 34186
ProviderId_5 14542
ProviderId_1 5643
ProviderId_3 3084
ProviderId_2 18
Unique classes in ProductId too large
Class Count for ProductCategory
financial_services 45405
airtime 45027
utility_bill 1920
data_bundles 1613
tv 1279
ticket 216
movies 175
transport 25
other 2
Class Count for ChannelId
ChannelId_3 56935
ChannelId_2 37141
ChannelId_5 1048
ChannelId_1 538
Unique classes in TransactionStartTime too large
In [44]:
Index(['AccountId', 'SubscriptionId', 'CustomerId', 'ProviderId', 'ProductId',
       'ProductCategory', 'ChannelId', 'Amount', 'Value',
       'TransactionStartTime', 'PricingStrategy', 'FraudResult'],
In [4]:
ds.visualizations.catbox(data=train_data, target='FraudResult', fig_size=(7,7))
TransactionId feature has too many categories and will not be ploted
BatchId feature has too many categories and will not be ploted
AccountId feature has too many categories and will not be ploted
SubscriptionId feature has too many categories and will not be ploted
CustomerId feature has too many categories and will not be ploted
ProductId feature has too many categories and will not be ploted
TransactionStartTime feature has too many categories and will not be ploted


In [46]:
ds.visualizations.histogram(train_data, fig_size=(5,5), bins=5)
In [47]:
ds.visualizations.boxplot(data=train_data, target='FraudResult', fig_size=(5,5))


In [48]:
date_feats = ds.structdata.get_date_cols(train_data)
In [49]:


In [52]:
0 2018-11-15T02:18:49Z
1 2018-11-15T02:19:08Z
2 2018-11-15T02:44:21Z
3 2018-11-15T03:32:55Z
4 2018-11-15T03:34:21Z
In [5]:
num_feats = ds.structdata.get_num_feats(train_data)

ds.timeseries.num_timeplot(data=train_data,num_cols=num_feats, time_col='TransactionStartTime')

The extract_dates function in the timeseries module can extract date information from a datetime column automatically.

In [58]:
train_data = ds.timeseries.extract_dates(data=train_data, date_cols=['TransactionStartTime'])
test_data = ds.timeseries.extract_dates(data=test_data, date_cols=['TransactionStartTime'])
In [56]:
0 1
AccountId AccountId_3957 AccountId_4841
SubscriptionId SubscriptionId_887 SubscriptionId_3829
CustomerId CustomerId_4406 CustomerId_4406
ProviderId ProviderId_6 ProviderId_4
ProductId ProductId_10 ProductId_6
ProductCategory airtime financial_services
ChannelId ChannelId_3 ChannelId_2
Amount 1000 -20
Value 1000 20
PricingStrategy 2 2
FraudResult 0 0
TransactionStartTime_dow Thursday Thursday
TransactionStartTime_doy 319 319
TransactionStartTime_dom 15 15
TransactionStartTime_hr 2 2
TransactionStartTime_min 18 19
TransactionStartTime_is_wkd 0 0
TransactionStartTime_yr 2018 2018
TransactionStartTime_qtr 4 4
TransactionStartTime_mth 11 11


In [83]:
#perform merge 
all_data, ntrain, ntest = ds.structdata.join_train_and_test(train_data, test_data)

#Label Encode Large Categorical features
large_cats = ['AccountId', 'SubscriptionId', 'CustomerId', 'ProductId']

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
lb = LabelEncoder()
for cat in large_cats:
    all_data[cat] = lb.fit_transform(all_data[cat])

# One hot encode small categorical features
all_data = pd.get_dummies(all_data, drop_first=True)

#Get traina nd test set back
train = all_data[:ntrain]
test = all_data[ntrain:]

#Get target and drop it
target = train['FraudResult']
train.drop('FraudResult', axis=1, inplace=True)
test.drop('FraudResult', axis=1, inplace=True)

print("Shape of training datasets is {}".format(train.shape))
print("Shape of training target is {}".format(test.shape))
print("Shape of target is {}".format(target.shape))


In [90]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train, target, test_size=0.3, random_state=2)

rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100,random_state=232)
lg_model = LogisticRegression(max_iter=100, random_state=2, solver='lbfgs')

Next, we will train a two classifiers and get detailed report with the datasist classification report function. Can be used to pick best model for a task.

In [91]:
lg_model.fit(X_train, y_train, )
pred = lg_model.predict(X_test)

#Get report from true and predicted values
ds.model.get_classification_report(y_test, pred)
Accuracy is  100.0
F1 score is  41.0
Precision is  58.0
Recall is  32.0
confusion Matrix
                 Score positive    Score negative
Actual positive     28629                13
Actual negative        39                18

In [94]:
rf_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
pred = rf_model.predict(X_test)

#Get report from true and predicted values
ds.model.get_classification_report(y_test, pred)
Accuracy is  100.0
F1 score is  90.0
Precision is  90.0
Recall is  91.0
confusion Matrix
                 Score positive    Score negative
Actual positive     28636                 6
Actual negative         5                52

From the metrics reported, we can see that the RandomForest model does better tahn Logistic Regression. Next we can use a cross validation function to detect overfitting.

In [92]:
ds.model.train_classifier(train_data=train, target=target, model=rf_model, cross_validate=True, cv=3)
Accuracy is 99.8787
F1_score is 72.1679
Precision is 76.2845
Recall is 79.7035

Finally, we can plot the feature importance to see the most important feature

In [95]:
feats = train.columns
ds.model.plot_feature_importance(estimator=rf_model, col_names=feats)

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