Module datasist.model

This module contains functions used in training, testing and comparing machine learning models. Current version of datasist only supports scikit-learn and trained keras models.

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This module contains all functions relating to modeling in using sklearn library.

import platform
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from .visualizations import plot_auc
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, confusion_matrix, precision_score, accuracy_score, recall_score, f1_score, make_scorer, mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_squared_log_error
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, cross_val_score

if platform.system() == "Darwin":
    import matplotlib as plt
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def train_classifier(X_train = None, y_train=None, X_val=None, y_val=None, estimator=None, cross_validate=False, cv=5, show_roc_plot=True, save_plot=False):
    Train a classification estimator and calculate numerous performance metric.

        X_train: Array, DataFrame, Series.

            The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator in other predict the outcome (y).

        y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

            The ground truth value for the train dataset

        X_val: Array, DataFrame. Series.

            The feature set (x) to use in validating a trained estimator.

        y_val: Series, 1-d array, list

            The ground truth value for the validation dataset.

        estimator: sklearn estimator.

            Sklearn estimator that implements the fit and predict functions.

        cross_validate: Bool, default False

            Use a cross validation strategy or not.
        cv: Int, default 5

            Number of folds to use in cross validation.
        show_roc_curve: Bool, default True.

            Plot a ROC plot showing estimator performance.
        save_plot: Bool, default False.
            Save the plot as a png file.
    if X_train is None:
        raise ValueError("X_train: Expecting a DataFrame/ numpy2d array, got 'None'")
    if y_train is None:
        raise ValueError("y_train: Expecting a Series/ numpy1D array, got 'None'")

    #initialize variables to hold calculations
    pred, acc, f1, precision, recall, confusion_mat = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, None

    if cross_validate:
        dict_scorers  = {'acc' : accuracy_score,
                        'f1' : f1_score,
                        'precision': precision_score, 
                        'recall' : recall_score

        metric_names = ['Accuracy', 'F1_score', 'Precision', 'Recall']

        for metric_name, scorer in zip(metric_names, dict_scorers):
            cv_score = np.mean(cross_val_score(estimator, X_train, y_train, scoring=make_scorer(dict_scorers[scorer]),cv=cv))
            print("{} is {}".format(metric_name,  round(cv_score * 100, 4)))

        #TODO Add cross validation function for confusion matrix
        if X_val is None:
            raise ValueError("X_val: Expecting a DataFrame/ numpy array, got 'None'")
        if y_val is None:
            raise ValueError("y_val: Expecting a Series/ numpy1D array, got 'None'"), y_train)
        pred = estimator.predict(X_val)
        get_classification_report(y_val, pred, show_roc_plot, save_plot)

def plot_feature_importance(estimator=None, col_names=None):
    Plots the feature importance from a trained scikit learn estimator
    as a bar chart.

        estimator: scikit  learn estimator.

            Model that has been fit and contains the feature_importance_ attribute.

        col_names: list

            The names of the columns. Must map unto feature importance array.

        Matplotlib figure showing feature importances
    if estimator is None:
        raise ValueError("estimator: Expecting an estimator that implements the fit api, got None")
    if col_names is None:
        raise ValueError("col_names: Expecting a list of column names, got 'None'")
    if len(col_names) != len(estimator.feature_importances_):
        raise ValueError("col_names: Lenght of col_names must match lenght of feature importances")

    imps = estimator.feature_importances_
    feats_imp = pd.DataFrame({"features": col_names, "importance": imps}).sort_values(by='importance', ascending=False)
    sns.barplot(x='features', y='importance', data=feats_imp)
    plt.title("Feature importance plot")

def make_submission_csv(estimator=None, X_train=None, y_train=None, test_data=None,
                  sample_submision_file=None, sub_col_name=None, name="final_submission"):
    Train a estimator and makes prediction with it on the final test set. Also
    returns a sample submission file for data science competitions
    estimator: Sklearn estimator.

        An sklearn estimator that implements the fit and predict functions.

    X_train: Array, DataFrame, Series.

        The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator to predict the outcome (y).

    y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

        The ground truth value for the train dataset

    test_data: Array, DataFrame. Series.

        The final test set (x) to predict on.
    sample_submision_file: DataFrame, Series.

        A sample csv file provided by data science competition hosts to use in creating your final submission.

    sub_col_name: String.

        Name of the prediction column in the sample submission file.

    name: String.

        Name of the created submission file.


        Csv file saved in current working directory
    ''', y_train)
    pred = estimator.predict(test_data)

    sub = sample_submision_file
    sub[sub_col_name] = pred
    sub.to_csv(name + '.csv', index=False)
    print("File has been saved to current working directory")

def get_classification_report(y_train=None, prediction=None, show_roc_plot=True, save_plot=False):
    Generates performance report for a classification problem.

    y_train: Array, series, list.

        The truth/ground value from the train data set.
    prediction: Array, series, list.

        The predicted value by a trained model.

    show_roc_plot: Bool, default True.

        Show the model ROC curve.

    save_plot: Bool, default True.

        Save the plot to the current working directory.

    acc = accuracy_score(y_train, prediction)
    f1 = f1_score(y_train, prediction)
    precision = precision_score(y_train, prediction)
    recall = recall_score(y_train, prediction)
    confusion_mat = confusion_matrix(y_train, prediction)

    print("Accuracy is ", round(acc * 100))
    print("F1 score is ", round(f1 * 100))
    print("Precision is ", round(precision * 100))
    print("Recall is ", round(recall * 100))
    print("*" * 100)
    print("confusion Matrix")
    print('                 Score positive    Score negative')
    print('Actual positive    %6d' % confusion_mat[0,0] + '             %5d' % confusion_mat[0,1])
    print('Actual negative    %6d' % confusion_mat[1,0] + '             %5d' % confusion_mat[1,1])

    if show_roc_plot:        
        plot_auc(y_train, prediction)

        if save_plot:

def get_regression_report(y_true=None, prediction=None, show_r2_plot=True, save_plot=False):
    Generates performance report for a regression problem.

    y_true: Array, series, list.

        The truth/ground value from the train data set.
    prediction: Array, series, list.

        The predicted value by a trained model.

    show_r2_plot: Bool, default True.

        Show the r-squared curve.

    save_plot: Bool, default True.

        Save the plot to the current working directory.

    mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, prediction)
    mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, prediction)
    msle = precision_score(y_true, prediction)
    r2 = r2_score(y_true, prediction)
    print("Mean Absolute Error: ", round(mae, 5))
    print("Mean Squared Error: ", round(mse, 5))
    print("Mean Squared Log Error: ", round(msle, 5))
    print("R-squared Error:  ", round(r2, 5))
    print("*" * 100)

    if show_r2_plot:              
        plt.xlabel('Truth values')
        plt.ylabel('Predicted values')
        plt.plot(np.unique(y_true), np.poly1d(np.polyfit(y_true, y_true, 1))(np.unique(y_true)))
        plt.text(0.7, 0.2, 'R-squared = %0.2f' % r2)

        if save_plot:

def compare_model(models_list=None, x_train=None, y_train=None, scoring_metric=None, scoring_cv=3, silenced=True, plot=True):
    Train multiple user-defined model and display report based on defined metric. Enables user to pick the best base model for a problem.

        models_list: list

            a list of models to be trained

        x_train: Array, DataFrame, Series

            The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator to predict the outcome (y).

        y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

            The ground truth value for the train dataset

        scoring_metric: str

            Metric to use in scoring the model

        scoring_cv: int

            default value is 3

    a tuple of fitted_model and the model evaluation scores
    # if not _same_model:
    #     raise ValueError("model_list: models must be of the same class. Cannot use a classifier and a regressor.")

    if models_list is None or len(models_list) < 1:
        raise ValueError("model_list: model_list can't be 'None' or empty")

    if x_train is None:
        raise ValueError("x_train: features can't be 'None' or empty")

    if y_train is None:
        raise ValueError("y_train: features can't be 'None' or empty")

    fitted_model = []
    model_scores = []
    model_names = []

    for i, model in enumerate(models_list):
        if silenced is not True:
            print("Fitting {}".format(type(model).__name__)), y_train)
        # append fitted model into list
        model_score = np.mean(cross_val_score(model, x_train, y_train, scoring=scoring_metric, cv=scoring_cv))
    if plot:
        sns.pointplot(y=model_scores, x=model_names)
        plt.title("Model comparison plot")

    return fitted_model, model_scores


def compare_model(models_list=None, x_train=None, y_train=None, scoring_metric=None, scoring_cv=3, silenced=True, plot=True)

Train multiple user-defined model and display report based on defined metric. Enables user to pick the best base model for a problem.


models_list: list

    a list of models to be trained

x_train: Array, DataFrame, Series

    The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator to predict the outcome (y).

y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

    The ground truth value for the train dataset

scoring_metric: str

    Metric to use in scoring the model

scoring_cv: int

    default value is 3


a tuple of fitted_model and the model evaluation scores
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def compare_model(models_list=None, x_train=None, y_train=None, scoring_metric=None, scoring_cv=3, silenced=True, plot=True):
    Train multiple user-defined model and display report based on defined metric. Enables user to pick the best base model for a problem.

        models_list: list

            a list of models to be trained

        x_train: Array, DataFrame, Series

            The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator to predict the outcome (y).

        y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

            The ground truth value for the train dataset

        scoring_metric: str

            Metric to use in scoring the model

        scoring_cv: int

            default value is 3

    a tuple of fitted_model and the model evaluation scores
    # if not _same_model:
    #     raise ValueError("model_list: models must be of the same class. Cannot use a classifier and a regressor.")

    if models_list is None or len(models_list) < 1:
        raise ValueError("model_list: model_list can't be 'None' or empty")

    if x_train is None:
        raise ValueError("x_train: features can't be 'None' or empty")

    if y_train is None:
        raise ValueError("y_train: features can't be 'None' or empty")

    fitted_model = []
    model_scores = []
    model_names = []

    for i, model in enumerate(models_list):
        if silenced is not True:
            print("Fitting {}".format(type(model).__name__)), y_train)
        # append fitted model into list
        model_score = np.mean(cross_val_score(model, x_train, y_train, scoring=scoring_metric, cv=scoring_cv))
    if plot:
        sns.pointplot(y=model_scores, x=model_names)
        plt.title("Model comparison plot")

    return fitted_model, model_scores
def get_classification_report(y_train=None, prediction=None, show_roc_plot=True, save_plot=False)

Generates performance report for a classification problem.


y_train: Array, series, list.

The truth/ground value from the train data set.

prediction: Array, series, list.

The predicted value by a trained model.

show_roc_plot: Bool, default True.

Show the model ROC curve.

save_plot: Bool, default True.

Save the plot to the current working directory.
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def get_classification_report(y_train=None, prediction=None, show_roc_plot=True, save_plot=False):
    Generates performance report for a classification problem.

    y_train: Array, series, list.

        The truth/ground value from the train data set.
    prediction: Array, series, list.

        The predicted value by a trained model.

    show_roc_plot: Bool, default True.

        Show the model ROC curve.

    save_plot: Bool, default True.

        Save the plot to the current working directory.

    acc = accuracy_score(y_train, prediction)
    f1 = f1_score(y_train, prediction)
    precision = precision_score(y_train, prediction)
    recall = recall_score(y_train, prediction)
    confusion_mat = confusion_matrix(y_train, prediction)

    print("Accuracy is ", round(acc * 100))
    print("F1 score is ", round(f1 * 100))
    print("Precision is ", round(precision * 100))
    print("Recall is ", round(recall * 100))
    print("*" * 100)
    print("confusion Matrix")
    print('                 Score positive    Score negative')
    print('Actual positive    %6d' % confusion_mat[0,0] + '             %5d' % confusion_mat[0,1])
    print('Actual negative    %6d' % confusion_mat[1,0] + '             %5d' % confusion_mat[1,1])

    if show_roc_plot:        
        plot_auc(y_train, prediction)

        if save_plot:
def get_regression_report(y_true=None, prediction=None, show_r2_plot=True, save_plot=False)

Generates performance report for a regression problem.


y_true: Array, series, list.

The truth/ground value from the train data set.

prediction: Array, series, list.

The predicted value by a trained model.

show_r2_plot: Bool, default True.

Show the r-squared curve.

save_plot: Bool, default True.

Save the plot to the current working directory.
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def get_regression_report(y_true=None, prediction=None, show_r2_plot=True, save_plot=False):
    Generates performance report for a regression problem.

    y_true: Array, series, list.

        The truth/ground value from the train data set.
    prediction: Array, series, list.

        The predicted value by a trained model.

    show_r2_plot: Bool, default True.

        Show the r-squared curve.

    save_plot: Bool, default True.

        Save the plot to the current working directory.

    mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, prediction)
    mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, prediction)
    msle = precision_score(y_true, prediction)
    r2 = r2_score(y_true, prediction)
    print("Mean Absolute Error: ", round(mae, 5))
    print("Mean Squared Error: ", round(mse, 5))
    print("Mean Squared Log Error: ", round(msle, 5))
    print("R-squared Error:  ", round(r2, 5))
    print("*" * 100)

    if show_r2_plot:              
        plt.xlabel('Truth values')
        plt.ylabel('Predicted values')
        plt.plot(np.unique(y_true), np.poly1d(np.polyfit(y_true, y_true, 1))(np.unique(y_true)))
        plt.text(0.7, 0.2, 'R-squared = %0.2f' % r2)

        if save_plot:
def make_submission_csv(estimator=None, X_train=None, y_train=None, test_data=None, sample_submision_file=None, sub_col_name=None, name='final_submission')

Train a estimator and makes prediction with it on the final test set. Also returns a sample submission file for data science competitions


estimator: Sklearn estimator.

An sklearn estimator that implements the fit and predict functions.

X_train: Array, DataFrame, Series.

The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator to predict the outcome (y).

y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

The ground truth value for the train dataset

test_data: Array, DataFrame. Series.

The final test set (x) to predict on.

sample_submision_file: DataFrame, Series.

A sample csv file provided by data science competition hosts to use in creating your final submission.

sub_col_name: String.

Name of the prediction column in the sample submission file.

name: String.

Name of the created submission file.


Csv file saved in current working directory

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def make_submission_csv(estimator=None, X_train=None, y_train=None, test_data=None,
                  sample_submision_file=None, sub_col_name=None, name="final_submission"):
    Train a estimator and makes prediction with it on the final test set. Also
    returns a sample submission file for data science competitions
    estimator: Sklearn estimator.

        An sklearn estimator that implements the fit and predict functions.

    X_train: Array, DataFrame, Series.

        The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator to predict the outcome (y).

    y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

        The ground truth value for the train dataset

    test_data: Array, DataFrame. Series.

        The final test set (x) to predict on.
    sample_submision_file: DataFrame, Series.

        A sample csv file provided by data science competition hosts to use in creating your final submission.

    sub_col_name: String.

        Name of the prediction column in the sample submission file.

    name: String.

        Name of the created submission file.


        Csv file saved in current working directory
    ''', y_train)
    pred = estimator.predict(test_data)

    sub = sample_submision_file
    sub[sub_col_name] = pred
    sub.to_csv(name + '.csv', index=False)
    print("File has been saved to current working directory")
def plot_feature_importance(estimator=None, col_names=None)

Plots the feature importance from a trained scikit learn estimator as a bar chart.


estimator: scikit  learn estimator.

    Model that has been fit and contains the feature_importance_ attribute.

col_names: list

    The names of the columns. Must map unto feature importance array.


Matplotlib figure showing feature importances
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def plot_feature_importance(estimator=None, col_names=None):
    Plots the feature importance from a trained scikit learn estimator
    as a bar chart.

        estimator: scikit  learn estimator.

            Model that has been fit and contains the feature_importance_ attribute.

        col_names: list

            The names of the columns. Must map unto feature importance array.

        Matplotlib figure showing feature importances
    if estimator is None:
        raise ValueError("estimator: Expecting an estimator that implements the fit api, got None")
    if col_names is None:
        raise ValueError("col_names: Expecting a list of column names, got 'None'")
    if len(col_names) != len(estimator.feature_importances_):
        raise ValueError("col_names: Lenght of col_names must match lenght of feature importances")

    imps = estimator.feature_importances_
    feats_imp = pd.DataFrame({"features": col_names, "importance": imps}).sort_values(by='importance', ascending=False)
    sns.barplot(x='features', y='importance', data=feats_imp)
    plt.title("Feature importance plot")
def train_classifier(X_train=None, y_train=None, X_val=None, y_val=None, estimator=None, cross_validate=False, cv=5, show_roc_plot=True, save_plot=False)

Train a classification estimator and calculate numerous performance metric.


X_train: Array, DataFrame, Series.

    The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator in other predict the outcome (y).

y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

    The ground truth value for the train dataset

X_val: Array, DataFrame. Series.

    The feature set (x) to use in validating a trained estimator.

y_val: Series, 1-d array, list

    The ground truth value for the validation dataset.

estimator: sklearn estimator.

    Sklearn estimator that implements the fit and predict functions.

cross_validate: Bool, default False

    Use a cross validation strategy or not.

cv: Int, default 5

    Number of folds to use in cross validation.

show_roc_curve: Bool, default True.

    Plot a ROC plot showing estimator performance.

save_plot: Bool, default False.
    Save the plot as a png file.
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def train_classifier(X_train = None, y_train=None, X_val=None, y_val=None, estimator=None, cross_validate=False, cv=5, show_roc_plot=True, save_plot=False):
    Train a classification estimator and calculate numerous performance metric.

        X_train: Array, DataFrame, Series.

            The feature set (x) to use in training an estimator in other predict the outcome (y).

        y_train: Series, 1-d array, list

            The ground truth value for the train dataset

        X_val: Array, DataFrame. Series.

            The feature set (x) to use in validating a trained estimator.

        y_val: Series, 1-d array, list

            The ground truth value for the validation dataset.

        estimator: sklearn estimator.

            Sklearn estimator that implements the fit and predict functions.

        cross_validate: Bool, default False

            Use a cross validation strategy or not.
        cv: Int, default 5

            Number of folds to use in cross validation.
        show_roc_curve: Bool, default True.

            Plot a ROC plot showing estimator performance.
        save_plot: Bool, default False.
            Save the plot as a png file.
    if X_train is None:
        raise ValueError("X_train: Expecting a DataFrame/ numpy2d array, got 'None'")
    if y_train is None:
        raise ValueError("y_train: Expecting a Series/ numpy1D array, got 'None'")

    #initialize variables to hold calculations
    pred, acc, f1, precision, recall, confusion_mat = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, None

    if cross_validate:
        dict_scorers  = {'acc' : accuracy_score,
                        'f1' : f1_score,
                        'precision': precision_score, 
                        'recall' : recall_score

        metric_names = ['Accuracy', 'F1_score', 'Precision', 'Recall']

        for metric_name, scorer in zip(metric_names, dict_scorers):
            cv_score = np.mean(cross_val_score(estimator, X_train, y_train, scoring=make_scorer(dict_scorers[scorer]),cv=cv))
            print("{} is {}".format(metric_name,  round(cv_score * 100, 4)))

        #TODO Add cross validation function for confusion matrix
        if X_val is None:
            raise ValueError("X_val: Expecting a DataFrame/ numpy array, got 'None'")
        if y_val is None:
            raise ValueError("y_val: Expecting a Series/ numpy1D array, got 'None'"), y_train)
        pred = estimator.predict(X_val)
        get_classification_report(y_val, pred, show_roc_plot, save_plot)