datasist API Documentation

Expand source code
from . import feature_engineering
from . import structdata
from . import timeseries
from . import visualizations
from . import model

This Doc is outdated, see the new doc here

Datasist: Python library for easy data modeling, visualization, exploration and analysis

Datasist is a python package providing fast, quick, and an abstracted interface to popular and frequently used functions or techniques relating to data analysis, visualization, data exploration, feature engineering, Computer, NLP, Deep Learning, modeling, model deployment etc.

Date: Jan 06 2020 Version: 1.4

Install: pip install datasist

Useful links: Source Repository | Binary Installers



This module contains all functions relating to feature engineering


This module contains all functions relating to modeling in using sklearn library.

This module contains all functions used for perfroming feature engineering.


This module contains all functions relating to modeling in using sklearn library.


This module contains all functions relating to the cleaning and exploration of structured

This module contains all functions relating to the cleaning and exploration of structured data sets; mostly in pandas format


This module contains all functions relating to time series data


This module contains all functions used to properly initialize and manage a data science project.


This module contains all functions relating to visualization.